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Ruth de Vos, Banksia Spill 2014 (detail), procion fibre reactive dyes, cotton homespun, cotton linen blend, cotton batting, 119 x 107 cm
Acquired as winner of Golden Textures 2015
Collection of Central Goldfields Art Gallery
© The artist and Central Goldfields Art Gallery

Golden Textures Art Quilts

On loan from Central Goldfields Art Gallery


Free Entry


Saturday 30th October 2021 - Sunday 27th February 2022


10.00am - 4.00pm


Ararat Gallery TAMA





Every two years Central Goldfields Art Gallery hosts Golden Textures, a national contemporary art quilt award. The works on display here are past winners, plus a work by Jenny Bacon, the co-founder of the award.

Maryborough-based artist Jenny Bacon initiated the Golden Textures Award in 2011 with the then Gallery Director, Kay Parkin. In her words, these works represent how art quilts in Australia have ‘come off the bed and are now on the walls.’

Art quilting in Australia continues to be dominated by women artists. Artists working in this medium experiment with a wide range of subject matter, mediums, and techniques. Art quilts can now be freestanding, suspended from the ceiling, or three dimensional.

These works feature a strong sense of design, accomplished technique, and a dedication to a labour-intensive craft.

The next Golden Textures National Art Award will be held at Central Goldfields Art Gallery in Maryborough in 2023.

The quilts can be viewed here via the Central Goldfields Art Gallery profile on Google Arts and Culture.

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