Ema Shin, ‘Hearts of Absent Women’ 2020-2023, cotton, linen, wool, silk, glass beads, polyester, hanji paper, lokta paper, wire, steel, dimensions vary, each heart size approx. 10 cm. © The artist.
Works from the TAMA Collection
Free Entry
Saturday 23rd November 2024 - Sunday 23rd March 2025
10.00am - 4.00pm
Ararat Gallery TAMA
Taking inspiration from Ararat’s historical association with fine merino wool production, Ararat Gallery TAMA (Textile Art Museum Australia) has been committed to exhibiting and collecting textile and fibre art since the 1970s.
We are custodians of over a thousand artworks and objects, including quilts, tapestries, basketry, embroideries, sculpture and weavings.
Textiles are universally familiar. We are surrounded by them daily in our clothes, our homes, our workplaces.
The comfort and softness of cloth and fabric also make textiles an ideal medium for subversive, thought-provoking artworks.
Many textile and fibre-based artworks look different each time they are exhibited; the elements fall and sit uniquely every time they are installed, reshaping with each outing. The artworks are responsive to their environment – watch carefully to see them gently rise and fall in the air flow.
This exhibition encompasses artworks held in the TAMA Collection, as well as artworks in the Victorian State Craft Collection, which have been on long-term loan to the gallery since 2004.
Featuring the work of: Marie Cook, John Corbett, Mary Coughlan, Fernando do Campo, Pru La Motte, Elizabeth Milpilangurr, Shirley Minjingala, Winnie Pelz, Vivienne Pengilley, Nalda Searles, Ema Shin, Jayn Thomas, Jenny Watson, Susan Wirth and Diana Wood Conroy.